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What is Counselling?

What is Counselling?

Counselling can look like many different things and that's what I think I find most beautiful about it. You're not supposed to fit the mould of counselling, but counselling is supposed to fit around who you are and what you respond to best.


Definitively speaking, it's a form of talk therapy influenced by various techniques, theories and tools that utilise the counselling relationship so individuals can grow their self-understanding and ultimately make positive changes or gain alternative insights into their own lives.


Usually, a session would run for approximately 50 minutes and sessions could run weekly or however regularly you and your counsellor perceive is best for you.


You can talk about anything that you would like to talk about, ideally it is a time to discuss areas of your life that you are finding a bit more difficult to manage. But it can also be a great place if you feel as though you need a person to confide in about something deeply personal and may struggle to discuss with a friend or family member.


If you think about physiotherapists or exercise physiologists that help you through your injuries, they have a huge and important part of working with your body and repairing and strengthening it. Counselling is that person but for your mind and your overall well-being. We give you tools, and support you through difficult seasons like injuries so you come out the other side with greater clarity of yourself and stronger for the next time difficulty comes your way.


Counselling is not supposed to be scary but a supportive environment, if you still have more questions about it, you can sign up for a FREE 30-minute initial consultation or email Caitlin on

What is the cost and what does it include?

What is THE COST and what does it include?

A 50 minute counselling session costs $95.


It is helpful to also be aware that your counsellor is constantly doing additional work in the background outside of your weekly session in order to provide you with the best care possible. This might include professional development, liaising with services, improving the interaction with the service, obtaining supervision to ensure quality counselling and not to mention the admin also.

So, while you might only receive 50 minutes initially, there is more than just 50 minutes of work put in to support you in the best way!

Are there any rebates available for the cost?

Are there any rebates available for the cost?

As of April 2021 (month when writing this) Medicare rebates for counselling is not currently available, however registration associations are fighting hard to rectify this so that more people can have easier access to getting counselling.


Consequently, this has been a consideration of mine when finalising prices for counselling sessions. You might find that if you were to see a psychologist for one session, the difference that Medicare makes up for and you are then required to pay is similar to the asking price of a counselling session with DCA.


I have also recently obtained provider numbers to receive rebates with some private health funds (currently those funds are Bupa, Police Health Fund, Emergency Services Health, St Lukes Health & Phoenix Health).

What happens when I sign up for counselling?

What happens when I sign up for counselling?

There are a few things that happen in the process of beginning and ending counselling sessions, it might run a little something like this:


- You email or sign up for a 30-minute consultation, this consultation helps me to get information about your current circumstances and why you are seeking counselling. It is from this information that I then make an educated decision on whether I would be the best person to help you through those circumstances. 

If I do feel like I would be able to help, we will go ahead and book your first session!

If I feel like another service or person would provide you with better or more appropriate support, then I will walk alongside you in the process of contacting and engaging with support.

- You will be eligible for 15 counselling sessions run for 50 minutes each at a regularity of your choosing. I offer a maximum of 15 counselling sessions as I believe a brief intervention focus is the most effective way to maximise the benefits of our time together.

- If there is a requirement to extend beyond the 15 sessions this will be discussed within the session as the end approaches.

- Similarly, you have complete power to end counselling before the 15 sessions, however it would be appreciated if this is communicated in an appropriate time frame.

Where do you run your sessins?

Where do you run your sessions?

I can run our sessions in a multitude of environments, but ultimately wherever you feel most comfortable and suits the demands of your needs.

I offer sessions online via Zoom, face to face in an office setting or in a Walk N Talk capacity, where a location is decided upon prior to commencing sessions.

Do you run workshops?

Do you run workshops?

SOON! I am currently I the process of developing some workshops designed to be delivered in formats such as a dance school with a larger group of participants. 

Follow @dancecareaustralia on Instagram and Facebook or regularly check the Services page on our website to keep up to date of when these will be offered and how to arrange one at your dance school.

If I am under 18 years old, will you tell my parents what I discuss in sessions?

If I am under 18 years old, will you tell my parents what I discuss in sessions?

I completely understand that in our counselling sessions we might discuss some very difficult and personal things that you don't always feel comfortable sharing with your parents or guardians. 

In this situation, if your parents request to know what we discuss, we will spend some time before the session is over talking about how and we are going to let your parents know what we talked about in that time


I don't want this to stop you from seeking counselling if you need it, so you get to decide how you want to share this information!

What happens if I cancel my session?

What happens if I cancel my session?

Prior to your first 50-minute counselling session you will be provided a document with the Cancellation Policy. There are fees and refunds involved but all vary depending on how late you cancel a session. 

Extenuating circumstances will be considered.

Communication must be passed on via email to or leaving a message/text to Caitlin on 0432 171 877

What if it doesn't work?

What if it doesn't work?

This is a completely rational concern to have. Ideally there will be some measurable improvement in your circumstances, it is also possible that it may not occur in the way you anticipated it to.

As your dedicated counsellor it is my mission to ensure that you receive what you are desiring to get out of our sessions. In order to do this I commit to regular check-ups to ensure you are satisfied with the direction we are taking and/or if there is anything I can do as a counsellor to improve the session in any way I am able to.

In the rare situation that we find ourselves determining our sessions are not proving beneficial to you, I will walk alongside you in trying to find the support or assistance you require to meet your needs. 

What does it mean to be a Level 2 Counsellor? 

What does it mean to be a level 2 counsellor?

It means that I have graduated from an ACA accredited Course.

There are a maximum of 4 Level's for counsellors registered with the Australian Counselling Association. I am currently a Level 2 member as I have recently just attained my membership after graduating from my Masters. The only technical difference between a Level 2 Counsellor and a Level 3 or 4 Counsellor is a Level 3 member has had a minimum of 2 years counselling experience after completing their degree, and a Level 4 member has a minimum of 4 years counselling experience after completing their degree.

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